Bernard Azzi

Cooperation partner for process optimisation and strategy implementation at Holz Consulting GmbH

Core Functions:

  • Process analysis and process optimisation
  • Implementation of structured change programms
  • Management training for implementing change  processes
  • Experienced in projects within the area of chemistry, pharmacy, aircraft construction and engineering
  • International projects in USA, South America, Asia, Africa and Middle East

Professional career:

Since 2017
Cooperation partner for process optimisation and strategy implementation at Holz Consulting GmbH

Since 2003
KVP / TPM / LEAN-Management implementation and projects,
Improvement of prozesses and operations,
Audits and "train the trainer" trainings

Since 2007
Optimisation of prozesses within the logistics sector

Since 2012
Workshop design,
Individual and group coaching,
Performance of asessments

Studies and education:

Studies of mechanical and civil engeneering

Bachelor of Arts

LEAN/Six Sigma Black Belt

Coaching training

Languages: english, spanish, french, arabic